Sprout Midge Emerger Pattern
During the winter and colder months Midge patterns are key, and the Sprout Midge is easily one of the most popular Midge Patterns on the market today. There are different variations to this pattern, and most just use thread as the body. We love how the Hends and Veevus Body Quills work on smaller patterns. This material doesn't build up bulk and is perfect for tying in smaller patterns. This is a parachute emerger pattern that hangs just below the surface film using the parachute to suspend the fly in the surface film imitating an emerging insect. Emerging insects are highly vulnerable making them an easy target.
Materials List
Hook: Moonlit Premium TOGATTA ML201 sz16-20
Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Violet
Body: Hends Body Quill Scarlet
Thorax: Semperfli Kapok Fluoro Purple (Moonlit Beaver Dry Fly Dubbing Purple Substitute)
Wing: Semperfli Poly Yarn Cream
Hackle: Whiting Ghost Barred
60 Second Time Lapse Video
Some people like the quick time lapse version of our tying, and gives you a quick run down of the pattern.
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