Caddis Bead Head Soft Hackle Nymph
This pattern is perfect for using as an anchor fly with the Spider Caddis Pattern in our last blog. When searching for fish it is often effective to search two different feeding zones, and using this nymph with a soft hackle dropped off of it achieves just that. With this pairing you are able to get the bottom feeding zone and the next level, but as you finish your swing you begin to hit all the zones rising to the top. Often times this triggers many fish to feed as the insect is emerging from its casing. This makes this pattern double effective, and important to have in your box. This pattern tied as a soft hackle adds life to the insect as it's on a dead drift, and complete life as it swings at the end. This pattern can be tied in a multitude of sizes to match the many different caddis hatches you encounter. The coolest thing about a caddis is they are located every where you go.
Materials List
Hook: Moonlit Competition Barbless Jig Hook ML058 sz10-16
Bead: Moonlit Slotted Tungsten Copper 3.5mm or size to match
Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Fluoro Orange
Body: Natures Spirit Rusty Orange Wild Barred Turkey Biot
Thorax: Vicunna UV Fiery Brown Dubbing
Hackle: Whiting Brahma Golden Brown, or Hen Saddle
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