OPST Commando Head - 325grains - 15ft
Designed for a 7WT Switch, 6WT Spey, or a 8/9WT Single Hand rod.
Use with 10ft of T-8 or T-11.
OPST Commando Heads: Pure Skagit. The last Skagit line you'll ever fish!
OPST's Commando Heads represent the culmination of decades of innovation in Skagit casting by Ed Ward and Jerry French. Ed and Jerry were at the forefront of the "Skagit Revolution", and they have been refining Skagit fishing techniques ever since. These are the remarkably efficient, easily casted and enjoyable for the simple reason that they are specifically designed for SAS (Sustained Anchor Sytemology). The philosophy behind SAS is simple: the Skagit cast is a water based cast, with the rod load coming from the tension between the water's surface and the line. As such, as sustained anchor cast, where the fly remained stationary until the final power stroke, is the most efficient form of casting. Our lines are shorter than traditional Skagit lines, and perform exceedingly well with a continuous, "out and around: casting stroke. There is no pause before the final stroke; the cast is one continuous motion.
Pure Skagit lines take beginning casters and make them effective. They take experiences casters to a whole new universe of casting pleasure. The Commando Heads excel on conventional two handed "spey" rods, but are optimized for shorter switch rods from 10-12 feet.
But where these lines really get interesting is in the single hand casting. OPST has taken two handed casting theory, traditionally associated with steelhead and salmon, and applied it to the micro end of the spectrum. Now you can Skagit cast and swing flies for everything from sea run cutthroat trout, smallmouth bass and even panfish, with rods as light as a 3WT. The same principles of sustained anchor and a water load apply. You can haul or not, back cast or not, as well as roll cast, Skagit cast....just about whatever you want to do.