Hen Saddle Metz Grade #1
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These Metz Grade #1 Saddles have excellent webby hackle and are a large size skins. They come with lots of good sizes for Tenkara Sakasa Kebari and Soft Hackle flies.
Metz has some of the best hen feathers we have seen out there and they wrap much better than Whiting hen saddle feathers. One thing I like about most Metz hen saddle feathers I have used is that they don't all cling together but spread out nicely when you wrap the hackle.
We are happy to offer these feathers to you and we know you will love using them. Metz #1 Hen Saddles are limited in availability so don't miss out.
Bar Variant with Ginger
Dun Variant
Dark Dun Variant
Light Dun Variant
Black Variant
White Variant
Grizzly Variant