Leland Master Cast Practice Fly Rod
Learn to efficiently fly cast in the comfort of your office or home...anytime, anywhere.
You've said it before, “I've always wanted to fly fish.”
Don't let another fly fishing-less year pass by. Get started the right way. Learn to Master Cast first, then you can head to the water confidently possessing the most overlooked item on any fly fishing gear list...a good fly cast.
Balanced, half-scale fly rod for convenient indoor casting.
Proprietary fly line casts like a real fly line.
You can Master Cast anytime, anywhere.
Arrive prepared for your inevitable fly fishing adventure.
Makes efficient fly casting fun and easy to learn.
Fly fishing is a sport for everybody. Fly fishing is a wonderful, outdoor activity (and excuse) for the whole family to enjoy the beauty of nature. Through fly fishing, you'll find yourself in beautiful places with something fun to do. However, before you head out to fly fish, it's a great idea to learn to fly cast first.
The defining attribute of our sport is the unique way we delivery our lure (fly). We call this fly casting. Beyond the obvious and functional requirement of fly casting while fly fishing, there is also the sheer enjoyment and visual beauty of an efficient fly cast. We call these casts Master Casts and we're here to get you properly fly casting.
Anyone can learn how to Master Cast. It's fun, easy and surprisingly, doesn't require you to be near water or even go fly fishing. Keep in mind that learning to fly cast while fly fishing is arguably the most frustrating way to learn to fly cast. At Leland, we've developed a proven and responsible way to teach you how to efficiently fly cast and you can do this anytime, anywhere.
Our Leland Casting Method (free to you) is designed for the way your brain is wired to learn and when combined with our Master Cast Kit you'll soon be forming Master Casts in the comfort of your home or office. Better yet, once you hone your fly casting skills with our proven instruction and Master Cast Kit, you'll seamlessly transfer your efficient fly casting skills to any full-sized, well-balanced fly fishing outfit. Your fishing guide and your angling buddies will be impressed with your casts.
It's time you stated fly fishing. You can do this and we're here to help.
Leland Rod Company.