Brandon's Dubbing Collection
-- Brandon Moon: "The right dubbing can create a beautiful buggy effect to any fly. Although I don't tie a lot of dubbing for my bodies, the Vicuna Dubbing is my personal favorite to use for the thorax on my soft hackles, wet flies, and nymphs. This dubbing is so much easier, better, and offers a wide variety of colors to choose from. For me my tying is my artistic expression to which the endless color options allow my imagination to run free. No matter what color of pattern I'm tying, I am always able to find the perfect blend with the Vicuna. This 8pk is my own personal combo, and I hope you have as much fun and excitement choosing what pattern and color to use on your next fly as I do on mine."
Brandon's Dubbing Selection
- Olive Dun
- Black Peacock
- UV Purple
- UV Fiery Brown
- Blue Dun
- Green Peter
- Black Claret
- Sunburst Olive
Vicuna Dubbing is an entirely natural product made from Alpaca wool which has been dyed and processed by hand to achieve a dubbing which adds the essential buggy effect to your fly patterns.

Olive Dun

UV Purple

Black Peacock

UV Fiery Brown

Blue Dun

Green Peter

Black Claret

Sunburst Olive